Tuesday, April 27, 2010


The Puglies are waiting for dearest one to get home. It is nearing midnight. He won't be home until Thursday afternoon. They lay on the couch and watch out the window. Perhaps they will come and sleep in the bed or maybe not. They will be restless until he is home again. There is a rhythm to their days that soothes them.

I was home sick today and will be tomorrow, too. Lovely strep throat is not going away as quickly as I'd hoped. By late afternoon my throat was sore again and my energy waning. I am grateful, though not to have had a reaction to the antibiotics as I am allergic to almost all of them. It will be nice when my appetite comes back.

I had grand, spur of the moment plans today, to go offline and do without TV until Thursday. Sigh. Tomorrow I will follow through with that. Of course that means I am pushing the boundaries until midnight while I can. I was almost asleep several hours ago until the phone rang. Once I get disturbed at that level of near sleep, insomnia is my reward.

I have not had a day of total solitude in longer than I can remember. It will no doubt do me good. I have thought about implementing it as a one day a week habit. It bothers me that the thought of going a whole day without the internet or TV has me feeling a bit panicky. The pull to do it though, and the opportunity to make it happen, is stronger than the panic.

Don't miss the links in the post below this one. They really are worth reading.


Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

be well my friend!

Wait. What? said...

I hope you get to feeling better soon, strep is hard to deal with the pain is bad eating or drinking...

But getting some good sleep will certainly help get you to feeling better so wishing you many glorious ZzzzZzzzzzz's.

Anonymous said...

I rarely have a full day, but I truly enjoy my times of solitude and look forward to the opportunity to just be alone with my thoughts. Thanks for the reminder.

Peter said...

Reminds me of Lloyd Bridges's character in "Airplane!", who decided, at different times throughout the movie, that "Maybe this isn't a good time to quit smoking"--later "drinking"--later "sniffing glue".

Actually, I think that strep throat constitutes a "by" in terms of internet fast, etc.